Tag Archives: Life

a lesson from water striders

A few weeks ago, my friend Patrick and I got up early and slid two kayaks into the St. Joseph River for a sunrise paddle. As we glided through the water we came across a swarm of water striders, those bugs that can walk on water. There were hundreds of them, darting every which way, in jagged motions. A bug would shoot off one direction, stop turn slightly and then take off a different direction.

It looked like pure chaos, with no evident purpose.

As I sat in my kayak, and looked down on the bugs, I wondered if this is what God thinks as he observes us. Aimlessly running around, with no purpose. Staying busy, because, that’s what we are supposed to do. That’s what everyone else is doing, right?

But what if…well no.

We have reasons for our running after this, and running after that. We’re not missing anything in our business.


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